I was asked this question by a colleague when he asked me to present at a conference with him. We were talking about employee engagement… something in my professional life I’m very passionate about. We wanted to highlight the importance of doing something you are passionate about to live your best life wholistically.
For me. My why has always been my family. My kids are my life.
So it shouldn’t surprise you that I put off divorcing my ex-husband for a few years because I knew it would limit my ability to see, love on, and possibly raise my stepson. And I was completely right… but more on that another day.
Something I have always wanted to do is be a writer. I love writing and reading. So when my stepson was young, I got the idea to write a children’s book from the perspective of a stepparent for a stepchild.
10+ years later… I’m finally doing it.
Well, a couple of reasons… I’m terrified of failure. So sometimes inaction is a coping mechanism. It wasn’t until my divorce that I realized how dangerous this inaction and denial of living really is… but more on that another time.
For another thing, I want to do this right. Anyone can write a book. I want this book to mean something not only to my stepson but also to other stepfamilies. For me, the best way to make sure I do it right is to turn my adventure in creating this book into a thesis project for my Master's in Communication. And what a journey that has been!
BUT… for me… and for you… this book has been heavily researched and put together in a very meaningful way. And I cannot wait to release it hopefully early in 2022!
Well, that’s the academic side of things. I’m working to put together a committee to approve my research so I can begin creating my book. I hope you hang out for some geeky research that I’ll be sharing with you on stepfamilies and some of my ideas on blending families.