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Let's start with who... The (over) Achiever

I’m Elizabeth, the (Over) Achiever, so named because I am type A, a former honors student, and hate to be bored.

As an undergrad, I studied English and psychology and then went on to get my J.D. in 2020 (ask me about taking the bar during COVID—how much time do you have?).

I am a practicing attorney, in Idaho, at a firm that focuses on family law, including divorce and custody. Before I became an attorney, I worked at the same firm. I started off doing the filing and gradually started helping proofread documents, drafting documents for review, and sitting in on as many court proceedings as I could. While I was in law school, I worked at the courthouse for one semester under the family law judges. This offered me an invaluable and rare insight into how judges operate and come to a decision in a custody case.

I met Kassandra way back when I was still in high school when she started working at the firm. I was fifteen, and I did the filing after school a few days a week for gas money. We became fast friends and when left to our own devices, we were utterly terrible employees. While she was pregnant with her first daughter, we spent many afternoons eating Poptarts and talking about writing and babies.

Sadly, her divorce was one of the first cases I helped on as an associate attorney. (A story for another time).

Fun facts about me: I have run three marathons, I have a Siberian husky who I love to death, my favorite candy is Reese’s, and I am an avid reader.

For the record: I am not allowed to dispense legal advice to the masses via the Internet. Instead, I am here to offer another perspective on complicated family dynamics that often find themselves in court.

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